Saturday, October 20, 2007


When I become blocked, my energy is in a small bubble. Most of my blocks are the end results of fear. This limits creativity. Once I realize that fear of failure is limiting my production I need to burst that little bubble. But how? As I reported yesterday I have kept all of the goof-ups like little trophies in my sewing room. The sewing room should be my sanctum sanctorum. Ergo, as encouraged my Hungry Zombie, out they all go and I swear to never think of them again. Ah I feel a surge already. I accept and admit to myself that I am not perfect. I am letting go physically and emotionally. Yahoo. Er, I mean.. Ooohhhmmmm....Fade to Zen.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Zen, that is. Have sewn off and on for forty years. I was great in my 30's but now in the sixth decade, creativity has drained from me and my source of inspiration and motivation are the sewing blogs. I especially love the Swap's at Timmel Fabrics and have voted. I am new to the world of computers and for the first year was afraid that one mistake would drain every bit of programming and information. Getting more inclined to using same. Now need a big push to sew in my very own sewing room in my basement. Loaded with yards and yards of fabric, patterns and wool for knitting. Going to the Creative Festival in Toronto next week. Pray to God that I do not make a complete fool of myself.